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Women’s Alliance Members Only – Visit The Asia Society
January 4, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

WA Monthly Outing at The Asia Society
Meiji Modern: Fifty Years of New Japan
Join WA member and Asia Society popular docent Ingrid Krinke for a tour of “Meiji Modern: Fifty
Years of New Japan.” This exhibit takes a new look at the art of Japan’s Meiji era (1868 to 1912), a
time of rising geopolitical tension, upheaval, and uncertainty. Artists of the era manipulated
traditional mediums and materials to achieve dazzling effects unseen in previous epochs. Works on
display include paintings, prints, photographs, sculptured works, and objects in various media such as
enamel, lacquer, embroidery, and textiles. Admission is $15/$10 Senior. Meet at 11 a.m. at The Asia
Society (asiasociety.org), 725 Park Ave at 70th Street. Please let Ingrid know if you are joining the tour
and lunch afterwards. She will make a reservation for the group. 917-526-0308 or ikrinke@gmail.com.